Robert Wood

Mixed Media

Mailing address
34 Tuatara Road
Lopez Island, Wa 98261

Etsy Shop

I came to Lopez Island in the late 1980's with my late partner Rod Morgan as the chef owner of the Bay Cafe. I am most known as a culinary artist and instructor practicing in the US and Asia. Concurrent to decades in the mad world of professional kitchens, I work in textile, paint, collage and etchings to maintain some degree of sanity. The success of the strategy remains debatable.

While living in Vietnam, I began to incorporate dried plant materials into sculptural work. Since returning to Lopez in 2015, I've explored the incorporation of both locally scavenged and grown/ harvested vines, feathers, barks and other beach and garden materials into my work. My current work is a collision of original compositions on paper, artboard and canvas embellished with vigor and a raw primitive intention.

Each piece is designed to be viewed from multiple perspectives for maximal whim.