Drawing and making art anchored and kept me afloat while growing up, but was mostly set aside, unfortunately, for nearly two decades post teenage years. After much ado, difficulty, and diverted paths, however, I am on the journey of reclaiming myself, reintegrating lost and fractured parts, and being in the practice of following through on my creative visions is my favorite piece.
I find meditative flow through painting, but am constantly sparked by urges to use a variety of mediums and crafts and look for ways to combine them. Some of these current interests are making paper from recycled and saved goods, handmade cards, collaging, jewelry, and design.
I find that I like to re-create tangible things I am drawn to, sometimes pulling more than one item together, be it places or beings in nature, a heart moving event, people, or decorative items and am always reminding and giving myself permission to weave and lean into my own colorful and aesthetic twist and that there are no rules. I love looking for ways to reuse found objects or old materials in new ways and also use my art as a contributing pathway towards justice and liberation.
I am constantly self-teaching, as opposed to self-taught. I embrace that I am still ever evolving and my tastes and makings are varied and eclectic.
I am grateful to live on Lopez full-time where we have an incredible privilege to live in such natural beauty and peace, a place where making art has thankfully become more possible in my life.