Register for the 2025 Studio Tour

Thanks for your interest in the Lopez Island Studio Tour!

The tour is open to any artist who works on Lopez Island. The dates for the studio tour are August 29 - 31. There will be a preview pop up show on August 29 at the Lopez Community Center. All Artists will be required to have one piece in the preview show and participate in the opening. The artwork can be taken back to their studio after the preview show clean up.

Each studio on the tour will have tour signage, maps, page on the tour website and shown in the tour brochure.

No studio? The guild can help find a studio that can share space (there are several.)

If you have any questions regarding the Studio Tour or the application contact


To apply:

  1. Fill out the form below and submit. Please note that the deadline for completion of the below is April 15, 2025!

  2. Upload 5 Images of your work (JPG and around 1000 pixels in width or height). Please make sure one of your images has the word “hero” in the filename for inclusion in publicity — this image must be square. Work may be old or sold but should be representative of your work.

  3. If you are not already a member of the Lopez Artist Guild you must sign up to be a member in order to participate in the Studio Tour. Go to to become a member.

  4. There is a $135 fee for tour participation. You can pay online after registering - please note that when paying online the fee will be $139.35 for cover the credit card fees we incur. Alternatively, you can mail your check for $135 made out to Lopez Artist Guild to:
    P.O. Box 767
    Lopez Island, WA 98261


